So what is it that you have discovered about yourself?  Have you changed your perspective so that your experiences are better and more fulfilled? Have you been able to sense when the story you are telling is taking you down Easy Street or have you challenged yourself to take the hard road?  How about your story?  Are you telling the same one with the same reasons or are you becoming more accountable for your actions and putting forth the appropriate effort required to achieve your desired results? How about your fears?  Are you living outside of your comfort zone, experiencing thrill after thrill while pushing the boundaries out wider and wider?  Only you know the answers to these questions and only you know whether those answers are supportive or non-supportive to you living a life that is full and on purpose.

For me the past 17 weeks has been exciting.  I enjoy writing very much and although at times I feel as though there is no one out there – I still love it.  It has given me the opportunity to bring to the forefront on my conscious mind everything that I believe is necessary to encourage positive universal change.  It has been both rewarding and challenging but always on purpose. 

Each week I witness determination, focus and commitment by the hundreds of people in the clinic and that is what motivates me to keep going.  I love being part of a group that is so ambitious.  It doesn’t matter if it is raining or sunshine, week after week, I see the same people working together towards one common goal.  The energy and the effort required by some is enhanced by the energy and effort required by all.  I have met and conversed with many new faces and through those conversations have learned about foreign countries, fabulous restaurants and social issues our community is dealing with.  I have heard good jokes and bad jokes, happy stories and even some sad ones and through it all, I am reminded that we are all connected and we are all equal.  That’s what I love about running with a group. 

So as May 7th gets closer and closer, please make certain that you are preparing your body and mind efficiently.  Trust yourself and those around you.  Now is not the time for doubt.  For some your goals have changed due to injury or your story but the lessons have not.  Remember training for a marathon has nothing to do with running, well maybe a little to do with it, but the real test is about conquering your mind.  It is about changing your story and changing your life.  The fitter we are the easier life is and the more committed we are to our word the more powerful we are and in the end, it is our integrity and our character that sets us apart from everyone else.

If you want to change your life, change your story. 


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